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Composition : Kasper T. Toeplitz
Eryck Abecassis : basse
Frederick Galiay : basse
Jb Hanak : basse
Kasper T. Toeplitz : basse
CD produit et distribué par In paradisum
In Vital Weekly #1011 Frans de Waard says : Hold on. Didn’t I already review something called ’Infra’ by Sleaze Art, the quartet of bass-players under the guidance of Kasper T. Toeplitz, along with Eryck Abecassis, Frederick Galiay and Jb Hanak ? Yes, I did, in Vital Weekly 995. This is however another version, called ’Infra-blast’. Back then I wrote : "at seventy minutes this is also quite a long work and not one that one easily digests. Heavy bass drones, loud bass noise, sounding almost like the sound of plane engine from time to time, the work takes quite some time to develop. Perhaps a bit too much time I would think". This new work is along similar lines ; very much in the low end of the sound spectrum (what else would you expect from four bass players ?), but it is only twenty-nine minutes long. That is, compared to the first recorded version of ’Infra’ quite a blast. Much of this piece, about two thirds
this is quite low rumbling, but slowly works its way in noise land, with all sorts of bass treatments, creating a varied myriad of noise elements. It then cuts out for about eight minutes and becomes much softer, but stays dramatic. There are a few thumps on the bass and crackles (maybe electronic residue when the basses are shut down). In the last five minutes everything works up into a might crescendo, of the well-known Merzbowian proportions. Yes, this is something I prefer over a seventy-minute version indeed. Short and very much to the point. (FdW)
As often it’s not completely true (Infra-Blast is NOT a reworking of INFRA) but very nice anyhow !. Slease Art is at http://www.sleazeart.com/SleazeART.html