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Du 11 au 16 décembre 2018 - Deux jours de résidence
Quatre soirées de concerts
Founded in 2011, ONCEIM is a 34 musicians Paris-based orchestra which brings together high-level instrumentalists who develop their own completely personal instrumental practices and music styles. ONCEIM is dedicated to contemporary creation in an approach to sound as a plastic art form, by experimenting a number of different modes of musical elaboration, transmission and composition. In this work process, each musician has a major creative role, constructing the music through their singular virtuosity and the musical vocabulary they devise through their instrument.The orchestra has played in many places in Europe - Studio Venezia at the Venice Biennale, at the Sacrum Profanum festival in Krakow, the Edition Festival in Stockholm, VinterJazz in Copenhagen, "Le Guess Who ?" in Utrecht …This year, they’re using Studio Boerne in Berlin as an artistic residency and a place to perform improvisations as well as « Ambush » by Burkhard Beins and « NOTES&BLOC-NOTES » by Peter Ablinger.
Tickets - 10€
Venue - Studio Boerne, Börnestraße 43/45, 13086 Berlin
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// 12.13 // 07.30 pm
Part 1 - « CoÔ » Cyprien Busolini, Patricia Bosshard, Félicie Bazelaire, Anaïs Moreau, Élodie Gaudet, Benjamin Duboc
String ensemble by Onceim
Part 2 - Yoann Durant (saxophone), Antoine Gerbal (drums), Joël Grip (double bass)
Part 3 - Arnaud Rivière (electronics), Mat Polo (electronics & voice)
// 12.14 // 07.30 pm
Part 1 - Sébastien Beliah (double bass), Xavier Charles (clarinet), Bertrand Denzler (saxophone), Mike Majkowski (double bass)
Part 2 - Benjamin Dousteyssier (saxophone), Benjamin Duboc (double bass), Hannes Lingens (drums), Diemo Schwarz (electronics)
Part 3 - ONCEIM improvisation
// 12.15 // 07.30 pm
Part 1 - Stéphane Rives (saxophone), Pierre Cussac (accordion), Jean Daufresne (euphonium), Emilio Gordoa (vibraphone)
Part 2 - Jean-Sébastien Mariage, Carmen Lefrançois, Sabine Vogel, Michel Vordeld
Part 3 - ONCEIM plays Bukhard Beins « Ambush ».
// 12.16 // 06.45 pm
Part 1 - Giani Caserotto (guitar), Alexander Frangenheim (double bass), Julien Loutelier (drums), Alvise Sinivia (piano)
Part 2 - Frédéric Blondy (piano), Axel Dörner (trumpet), Andrea Neumann (inside piano), Joris Rühl (clarinet)
Part 3 - Pierre-Antoine Badaroux (saxophone), Rémi Durupt (percussion), Louis Laurain (trumpet), Magda Mayas (piano)
Part 4 - ONCEIM plays Peter Ablinger « Notes and Bloc-Notes »
Lien : ONCEIM à Berlin